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Chicago Bears are set to be featured on 'Hard Knocks' for first time

来源:Global Gist news portal编辑:world时间:2024-06-03 16:37:12

CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago Bears are set to be featured on “Hard Knocks” for the first time.

HBO and the NFL announced Thursday the founding NFL franchise was chosen for the 19th edition of the Emmy-winning series that first aired in 2001.

Chairman George McCaskey had long resisted having the Bears participate in the training camp documentary. The five-episode series debuts Aug. 6, with subsequent episodes airing on Tuesdays through Sept. 3.

“We are honored to feature such an iconic NFL franchise on ‘Hard Knocks,’” NFL Films senior director and supervising producer Shannon Furman said in a statement. “The Chicago Bears have a talented roster, coaching staff and front office all determined to match the expectations of a hungry fanbase. We are thankful to the entire organization for opening their doors to us for what is sure to be an exciting training camp this summer.”

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